Xampp Download For Mac


  1. Xampp Free Download
  2. Download Xampp Apache Friends

Basically you need to download XAMPP for Mac, then install this software, after that go to download WordPress and install WordPress on Mac. Now let’s dive into the details, specifically by looking at some tricky steps. Install XAMPP for Mac. Go to download the latest version of XAMPP for Mac from its official site here. At the time of writing. An XAMPP server can be installed and used with a single executable file quickly and easily, functioning as a local test system for Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X. The software packet contains the same components that are found on common web servers.

XAMPP is a free and open-source, cross-platform web server solution stack which is developed by Apache Friends. XAMPP supports most of the operating systems including Windows, MacOS and Ubuntu. It stands for Cross-Platform(X), Apache, MySQL, MariaDB, PHP and Perl which are also the main components of the stack package.In this tutorial, we will install XAMPP on MacOS.


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  1. MacOS
  2. Login as an administrator on terminal
  • Download XAMPP for Mac - A free and open-source web server solution stack package that enables you to quickly and easily install the required components to run a server.
  • Install XAMPP for Mac. Go to download the latest version of XAMPP for Mac from its official site here. At the time of writing, its latest version is 7.3.2. They are compatible with Mac OS X 10.6 or later. The main difference is the script or component versions, notably the PHP versions. However this does not affect our local WordPress installation.
Xampp Download For Mac


Installation includes following steps.

1) Download the latest version

In order to install XAMPP on MacOS, we must download the latest version of XAMPP by visiting its official website or by pasting the link https://www.apachefriends.org/xampp-files/7.2.0/xampp-osx-7.2.0-0-installer.dmginto the browser's search bar.

2) Mount the dmg file

The downloaded file exists in disk image format which needs to be mounted to the Volumes directory. For this purpose, following command can be used.

3) Open the Application file

An application file is created inside /Volumes/XAMPP/. This needs to be opened by using following command.


Click on Next button to navigate to the next step.

This step prompts us to select Components which we want to install. We select all the options given and click next

This step simply tells the location where XAMPP will be installed. Click on Next to continue the installation.

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Download Xampp Apache Friends

4) Unmount the file

We got XAMPP installed on our system, now we need to unmount the installer. Following command can be used for this purpose.

Extra Info

An executable file named XAMPP is located inside /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/ which needs to be executed in order to execute xampp on command line. Various commands can be used with xampp.

The output of the command shows the usage and options with which the command can be used.

Hence, we have installed and get started with XAMPP on our MacOS.

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