Free Html Wysiwyg Editor For Mac

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  2. Free Html Wysiwyg Editor For Mac Windows 10

You may be looking for the rich-text editor, VisualEditor. See VisualEditor:Test to try it.

Free Html Wysiwyg Editor For Mac

Regular Wiki markup is a simple way of formatting a wiki page but many would-be users of MediaWiki are put off by any coding of any sort. These users are used to publishing and editing in a more visually straightforward WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) environment.

WYSIWYG and MediaWiki software

WYSIWYG Web Builder 16.4.2 (last update: August 21, 2021) WYSIWYG Web Builder 16.4.2 (32-bit version) WYSIWYG Web Builder 16.4.2 (64-bit version) Language modules for WYSIWYG Web Builder 16. For other languages please visit the Language Modules page. What You See Is What You Get A good HTML editor can provide a clean and clutter-free environment for its user to be able to continue working for however long it will take. What-you-see-is-what-you-get type of view, or better known as WYSIWYG, is a good tool for bloggers or novice developers to use for their webpages and projects by showing an.

For a list of existing extensions providing some degree of WYSIWYG support, see Category:WYSIWYG extensions.

In 2009, there was no available 'ready-to-go' package for incorporating full WYSIWYG into the MediaWiki software.

The problem is that any WYSIWYG editor would have to know wikitext grammar, and no full grammar for wikitext exists — the 'parser' doesn't parse, it's a twisty series of regular expressions. So present WYSIWYG editors either have to perform one of the following:

  • Reverse-engineer as much grammar as they can
  • Forget wikitext and just write HTML.

A proper grammar is not sufficient for a proper WYSIWYM editor, as opposed to WYSIAYG (what you see is all you get), but it is necessary. A proper grammar is a highly-desired thing for many other purposes as well, and present efforts are at 'promising vapourware' status. SeeMarkup spec.



As noted hereinbefore, HTML TEXTAREAS could be a fallback for older browsers or those that prefer this for fine control. The WYSIWYG editor could also be limited to reflect only existing wiki markup, with its democratically decided simplicities and compromises for complexities — adding nothing to the wiki markup, only providing a more visually straightforward means of changing the markup....


There are a few options for making a WYSIWYG editor that works in the browser.

  1. Pure DHTML/JavaScript. Capture mouse input, buttons, keystrokes, etc., and actually edit the HTML of the current document. It's not trivial, but possible.
  2. Create a custom browser plug-in, Java applet, ActiveX control. This would probably be workable, but would take quite a bit of hackery, and may or may not work. Requiring users to install any sort of plugin is very undesirable.
    Imho, limited approach. Only Java applet is (possibly) cross-browser compatible. But not all users have Java on their machines and JavaScript is supported by all popular browsers (well, maybe except text-based, but I think that Java wouldn't work there too)... --Shtriter 07:20, 26 July 2006 (UTC)
    Users using text based browsers don't matter for WYSIWIG. They are going to be happier editing in Creole --Kevin Holzer (see for contact) 12:38, g29 December 2010 (PST)
  3. Both Mozilla and Internet Explorer have included ways to make sections of a page editable. IE 5.5 had the MSHTML Editing Platform (, and Mozilla has its Rich Text Editing API. Both technologies allow Web developers to make parts of a page editable -- in slightly different ways, of course.

Most current in-browser WYSIWYG editors use the third option.

Proof of concept: WYSIWYG editors

  • Caption1

  • Caption2


Maintained by Ontoprise's halo team, this is a production quality integration of MediaWiki and CKEditor.


Extension:TinyMCE (successor to the now-unmaintained, Extension:TinyMCE MW) lets users edit wiki pages using the popular open source JavaScript-based WYSIWYG editor TinyMCE.



Mozile takes a different approach to editing, using DOM operations instead of the designMode features which most other editors rely on. It also supports structured editing based on RelaxNG. A MediaWiki editing demo is available which makes use of the html2wiki.xsl tool mentioned below.


Oracle Wiki Publisher for OpenOffice

Runs in the open source, free office suite OpenOffice versions 3 and higher.OpenOffice runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux and is an alternative to the Microsoft Office Suite.The Oracle Wiki Publisher extension currently allows one to edit and export wiki pages after editing them like any other document in OpenOffice.Like most of these editors, it produces some ugly syntax though.


No longer maintained.

While not providing true WYSIWYG (editing is done directly to wikitext), Wikizzle includes AJAX WYSIWYM editing features similar in purpose to WYSIWYG such as real-time rendering of the article. Runs in Mozilla.

Other Wiki engines/services that have WYSIWYG

Best html editors for mac

Try out the editing feature on these sites, for some inspiration:

  • - Open source wiki engine (a software similar to MediaWiki, written in Python)
  • - wiki farm, hosted wikis only, no software download.
  • - Open source wiki engine
  • - Mindtouch Core
  • Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware - A full-featured, open source, multilingual, all-in-one Wiki+CMS+Groupware written in PHP (using CKEditor)
  • a branch of twiki

Other wiki engines / services that have WYSIWYG

  •, after applying wysiwyg for years, they switched to simple wiki with immediate display: WYSIWYM, see a video here (in German), and a very untechnical description of the syntax here.,, and the mobile versions are produced like this.

HTML to wiki markup

Leveraging the power of existing html editing/spell checking tools makes it necessary to convert the produced HTML/XHTML to wiki markup.

If we manage to create a python or php script that converts simplified tidy output (xhtml) to wiki-code, this would be easy to do with epoz. Epoz 0.74 feeds the html through tidy on the server via xml-rpc when switching to source view and on save. This works great, it's Plone's standard editor — I used it to write the Squid document for example.Our conversion script can hook in after tidy, the source visible in 'source view' and submitted to the server would be wiki markup. All without reloading the surrounding page. Creating the conversion script is a challenge, but operating on tidy-cleaned xhtml should simplify matters. Epoz only allows structural markup (no font tags etc), so this is mainly a str_replace(). With the appropriate configuration tidy will strip the complex things first.

This setup combines the advantages of both worlds by providing two views switchable back and forth without reloading the page:

  • WYSIWYG view: uses the default CSS and HTML editing
  • SOURCE view: wiki source
That's great! But I wonder again, why only server-side scripts? I believe that it would be better to do it on client-side and let the user to switch between the views dynamically. There is already very limited but working prototype for it. For further information - contact me. --Shtriter 07:20, 26 July 2006 (UTC)


  • XSLT can be used client-side by most modern browsers.
  • The resulting wiki markup can be submitted as if it came from an HTML textarea.


  • Much of the white space information is lost during parsing and the XSL transformation.
  • The current MediaWiki parser does not provide enough information about templates and other generated content in an article's HTML.

Any HTML to wiki markup conversion tool will need more information about the generated content than the MediaWiki parser currently includes in the HTML which it generates. Otherwise it will have to interpret templates as normal content, for example, when they should be converted to the {{Template}} syntax. The most direct solution to this problem is to make the parser include more information. In large part this would simply require better use of the 'class' attribute. Sometimes it would require adding elements to wrap the generated content.

Proposed changes to the parser:

  • The ‎<nowiki> tag should become .
  • Container ‎<div> elements for images should distinguish between the 'thumb' class for thumbnails and the 'frame' class for frames, even if the CSS for the two classes is the same. The containers for scaled images (those with their size property set) should be marked with a 'scaled' class.
  • Templates (but not nested templates) need to be marked as such in the HTML.

should become

The 'template-name' class can be marked as display: none in CSS.

  • References need to include their content at the reference point.

should become

The 'reference-content' class can be marked as display: none in CSS.

  • Category links need to be included in the HTML.

should become

The 'category-link' class can be marked as display: none in CSS.

The use of new elements with CSS display: none is in the spirit of adding semantic structure. It would be possible to use comment tags instead, in order to provide better support for legacy browsers.

Possible problems

Things which need to be worked around include:

  1. One of the most important features of wiki is the links from one page to another page. The primitive HTML textarea system, after an editor has learned its cryptic markup, makes linking (relatively) quick and easy to edit. Most (all?) WYSIWYG editors make linking (relatively) slow and difficult to edit. Switching to an editor that makes common operations more difficult is a step backwards.
  2. An editor should support the user in getting a headline right instead of using a big font, marking a citation instead of italicizing text, and so on. Imho most wysiwyg-editors lures people away from thinking about the meaning, and this is wrong. -- ∂ 01:47, 6 August 2006 (UTC)
  3. Displaying differences between italics and emphasis, bold and strong emphasis. Italics and bold are only used for articles on typesetting. (Technically mathematical formulae should use ‎<var> or ‎<math> but probably people are using ‎<i> as it is shorter.)
    Mediawiki originally interpreted double apostrophes as emphasis and triple apostrophes as strong, but this has been changed to italics and bold. We should probably get the developers to make up their minds before we start worrying about how a WYSIWYG editor implements it... — Omegatron 22:04, 14 December 2006 (UTC)
  4. Displaying formulae and potentially also music, maps, timelines, chess... allow editing?
    Perhaps MathML supporting browsers will be able to edit formulae
    There is ajax Math Preview. The source code was here ( For more info - google in Mediawiki-l maillist. --Shtriter 07:19, 26 July 2006 (UTC)
  5. Displaying templates and allowing editing and inclusion of templates
    What about protected templates in a non-protected page? (Other similar combinations...)
    I have an idea. It would show up as a square box with the template name inside, and upon double-clicking a new tab would open (between the text box and formatting buttons) and allow editing of that template. This is a bit like handling of OLE objects in Microsoft Office.
    I'm working over it on w:User:Pilaf/InstaView/Devel --Shtriter 07:19, 26 July 2006 (UTC)
  6. Allow easy input other tags such as strikethrough, often used off the article namespace?
    No problem. FCKeditor even allows to insert images without any difficulties!
    Or do you want the delete tag? Maybe we could restrict which buttons were displayed in which namespace to discourage certain tags from being used in the main article namespace? — Omegatron 22:11, 14 December 2006 (UTC)
  7. Displaying category links, interlanguage links?
    Same as MW do? I'm working over it on w:User:Pilaf/InstaView/Devel --Shtriter 07:19, 26 July 2006 (UTC)
  8. Over-use of color, size, and other features. See profiles for examples of people with no design knowlege let loose.
    Any suggestions? Prohibit color editing? Or at list for not registered users? --Shtriter 07:19, 26 July 2006 (UTC)
    Seriously. As soon as we implement this the site will turn into Myspace if we don't limit what the interface can do. It should only be capable of the things that the standard toolbar is capable of. Users shouldn't be allowed to change fonts, colors or create big bold text for headers, for instance. If they want to do things like that for special cases, they should be forced to use the source code editor. — Omegatron 22:08, 14 December 2006 (UTC)
  9. Issues with users cutting and pasting from word processing software especially Microsoft Word. This results in non-compliant HTML and could be rendered incorrectly (if at all) from non microsoft platforms.
    We can have it strip anything except basic markup, but we'd have to incorporate a list in the software to indicate what 'basic' means. — Omegatron 22:09, 14 December 2006 (UTC)
  10. Has anyone else noticed that the fckeditor extension is not usable with any version of PHP after 5.2.5? (running Wampserver 2.0)...
    I had no problem installing Extension:WYSIWYG on a local XAMPP server under Windows. The WYSIWYG editor works fine in Firefox 5. However, the corporate-installed IE7 blanked out pages that contained certain markup when using WYSIWYG. I didn't have time to figure out which cookie or security settings were needed to fix this. Workaround: If you are using WYSIWYG in IE7, add a step to select the contents of the text area and copy it into your clipboard before you save, just in case the page blanks out. If the page blanks out when you save, open the page for editing, paste the contents of your clipboard and save it again.

Wikipedia WYSIWYG editors not running inside the browser

  • You can find a Wikipedia WYSIWYG extension for Emacs here: wikipedia:Wikipedia:Text editor support#GNU Emacs.
  • Gwennel Web is a WYSIWYG and WYSIWYM editor for Windows. It supports the basic syntax, templates, references and simple tables (tables with complex styles are rendered as wiki text).

Other text editors are covered in Wikipedia:Text editor support, too.


  • Comparison of wiki farms, which mentions several wiki farms with WYSIWYG.
  • Microsoft Word macros which help converting MS Word to wiki markup.

External links

Html text editor for mac

Problems with WYSIWYG

Mediawiki extensions

  • Extension:WYSIWYG - The official MediaWiki+CKeditor integration.
  • Extension:VisualEditor - A new concept of an WYSIWYG editor for use with MediaWiki. Still experimental, but under development targeted for the 2nd half of 2012

Non-web-based editors

  • Diderot - Demo for integrated Wikipedia editor - Windows only
  • Gwennel Web - a WYSIWYG and WYSIWYM editor for Windows.

Web-based WYSIWYG editor components

  • CKeditor (was FCKeditor)
  • widgEditor. Small (32Kb) WYSIWYG editor where HTML can be swapped for wiki markup. Promising.
  • Mozile -- New-generation in-browser editor for Mozilla
  • KOIVI TTW HTML Editor - cross browser, cross platform - some Safari/412 support!
  • Dojo Rich Text Editor The Dojo rich text editor supports inline editing as well as WYSIWYG
  • WYMeditor: WYMeditor is an open source web-based WYSIWYM editor.

Other wikis with WYSIWYG

  • MindTouch Deki Wiki XHTML wiki with WYSIWYG.
  • WIKIWIG --A lite WYSIWYG Wiki based on HtmlArea3. GPL, developed in PHP, so lite and easy to set up.
  • TWiki an Enterprise Collaboration Platform written in Perl.


  • Toko Web Content Editor Toko multi-functional WYSIWYG content management system.


  • c2:WysiwygWiki has some more links and discussion.
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Best HTML editors can be helpful for you to write better HTML codes for your projects fastly. They are the best tools that come with lots of features like autocomplete syntax, remove coding mistakes, and arrange proper HTML format and structure in just one click, spellcheck, and many more.

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  • Helpful to develop applications in HTML, PHP, Javascript, Java, C++, and many other programming languages.
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  • Various plugins are available to install and extend the functionality of Netbeans.

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Available for OS: Windows, Linux, and Mac

Microsoft Visual Studio is the best choice for developers to create applications for web, mobile, and desktop. It is a multi-language and multi-platform application that comes with many valuable features. You can download its free version that includes all the essential tools which can also be upgraded to the premium version to get more advanced features.

Main Features of Microsoft Visual Studio:-

  • Microsoft Visual Studio is a multi-language and multi-platform application.
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  • Run your code on the visual editor live server to get a live preview.
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  • Both free and paid versions are available. You can download the free version that includes all the essential tools for better development.
  • Compatible with Microsoft Azure to deploy with various extensions to extend functionality.
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Available for OS: Windows, Linux, and Mac

Atom is a free and open-source HTML editor maintained and developed by Github. It is also a WYSIWYG editor to create websites without the need of writing HTML codes. You can easily collaborate with your team to develop the project.

Main Features of Atom Best HTML Editors:-

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  • Easily collaborate in real-time with other team members with the support of Teletype to develop projects.
  • Smart Autocompletion and autoformat features to easily and fastly write code.
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Available for OS: Windows, Linux, and Mac

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Main Features of Bluefish Best HTML Editors:-

  • Bluefish is a free, fast, and lightweight editor.
  • It is a multilanguage software to develop projects in many languages.
  • It is a multiplatform application to install on various OS like Solaris, Windows, Linux, Mac, and many others.
  • Autocompletion, autoformat, auto-tag closing, spell check, and many other features to easily write codes in various programming languages.
  • Project management tool and file autosave feature support.
  • Code editor with sidebar to easily select files and projects.
  • Code snippet for font, formatting, tables, forms, list, CSS HTML 5, and many others to insert in a single click.
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  • It is an open-source project released under GNU GPL free license.

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Available for OS: Windows, Linux, and Mac

Komodo Edit is a free HTML editor by ActiveState to develop web applications. It is a multi-language code editor for many editors like HTML, CSS, Javascript, Python, Ruby, Perl, and many more. You can find it more useful with its best feature like auto-complete, debugging, project management system, and more.

Main Features of Komodo Edit Best HTML Editors:-

  • Komodo Edit is a free, fast, and lightweight editor.
  • It is a multi-language coding editor to develop projects in many programming languages.
  • You can also use it as a WYSIWYG HTML editor to develop web pages.
  • Autocompletion and auto-indentation are the best part of code development.
  • Syntax highlighting, autoformat, live-preview, debugging, to easily write codes for the fastest development.
  • A project management tool to easily manage your projects.
  • Change the Code snippet colors to get the best view of code for programming.

7. Brackets Best HTML Editors

Available for OS: Windows, Linux, and Mac

Brackets is the free open-source HTML editor to develop websites. You can easily write codes on languages like HTML, CSS, Javascript. It comes with a simple design to write codes and a sidebar to each move from one file to another.

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8. Aptana Studio 3

Available for OS: Windows, Linux, and Mac

Aptana is the free open-source editor for web application development IDE. You can use it to write codes on different programming languages like HTML, CSS, Javascript, Ruby, Rails, and Python. It is a simple, faster, and more customizable tool with lots of advanced features that helps you easily build your applications.

Main Features of Aptana Studio 3 Best HTML Editors:-

  • Aptana is a free, fast, and open-source text editor for website development and writing codes.
  • Git integration to control your source code and projects under Git.
  • Support multiple protocols including FTP, SFTP, FTPS, and Capistrano.
  • Built-in command line terminal to execute OS commands.
  • Many customization options to easily write HTML and programming language codes.
  • Integrate debugger for Ruby, Rails, and Javascript to remove bugs from your codes.

9. Eclipse IDE

Available for OS: Windows, Linux, and Mac

Eclipse IDE comes with several packages to get install and get the text editor to write codes. However, for HTML editor, you need to install Eclipse IDE for Web and Javascript Developers. There are many useful features you will get with the editor like multilanguage support, cloud storage, Git integration, remote system integration, GUI builder, and many more.

Main Features of Eclipse IDE HTML Editor:-

  • Eclipse IDE Comes with many useful packages to write codes and you have to find your package that fits your needs.
  • It includes many features like cloud storage, Git Integration, remote system integration, and more.
  • Supports multi-language like HTML, CSS, Javascript, Java, Python, and many others to use for programming.
  • It is a free and open-source IDE.
  • You can integrate other plugins to extend functionality.

10. Tutorialdeep HTML Editor

Available for OS: Online Editor

Tutorialdeep live HTML editor is the online editor available for free to create your website pages with live output. You an use it to create web pages with color coding for HTML to easily write codes. It is fast, simple, and easy to use editor for beginners and professionals.

Main Features of Tutorialdeep HTML Editor:-

  • Tutorialdeep HTML editor is simple and fast.
  • Comes with color coding to write HTML codes easily.
  • Support languages like HTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery, and many other web development languages.

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